Kurz & Knapp Prof. Sergio Gianesini looks forward for moving “together forward”, as per the line of the v-WINdonesia World Congress, with all the vein and lymphatic global community toward appropriate patient management, including clinical trials and real world data analysis. In this context, appropriate compression is considered a fundamental pillar, not only for the patients, but also for all the subjects exposed to a higher risk of venous and lymphatic hypertension. Highlights of Prof. Gianesini interview include the following concepts:
- Phlebology and Lymphology are strictly united and must be managed together.
- Current vein-lymphatic guidelines are strongly limited by a questionable methodology and a consequent significant heterogeneity in the global scenario. Real world evidence integration is mandatory.
- Compression remains a pillar in vein-lymphatic management and its prescription should carefully address only properly certified and validated products.
- Proper compression even in healthy subjects exposed to prolonged standing demonstrated clinical and cost-effectiveness benefits.
- Misinformation and fake-news dissemination is a challenge to be counteracted in the vein-lymphatic field, as per the v-WINter 2022 published document.
- v-WINdonesia World Congress (Bali Island, Oct 22-26,2024) will offer a unique chance of hands-on, live cases and top frontal lectures on all the most important aspects of vein and lymphatic care, offering everyone the chance to present the personal experience, while discussing with the most renowned key opinion leaders from all continents.