Lymph and lipedema

Compression stockings·Lymph and lipedema

Reduce pain with compression

VenoTrain curaflow in everyday use

Compression stockings·Lymph and lipedema

Uniting and supporting

Newly appointed

Compression stockings·Lymph and lipedema

Improving quality of life

Lymphedema treatment in Canada

Compression stockings·Lymph and lipedema

“We all have the same goal”

Lymphological treatment

Compression stockings·Lymph and lipedema

“Don’t let pregnancy worry you”

Lipedema and lymphedema

Compression stockings·Lymph and lipedema

Creating trust by caring

Pregnancy in cases of lipo-lymphedema

Compression stockings·Lymph and lipedema

Looking at the whole patient

Lymphedema treatment in Austria