Ratschow Memorial Medal

The Ratschow Memorial Medal has been awarded annually since 1969 by the CURATORIUM ANGIOLOGIAE INTERNATIONALIS to particularly deserving scientific personalities in the field of vascular medicine and related disciplines. The Board of Trustees is responsible for organizing the selection process and awarding the prize. It consists exclusively of scientists from the international vascular field and is currently chaired by Prof. Eberhard Rabe.
Prof. Dr. Max Ratschow (see below), who is regarded as the founder of angiology, is being honored. The initiative for this foundation goes back to his meritorious student Prof. Dr. Norbert Klüken.
The Ratschow Medal is awarded during the annual meeting of the German Society for Phlebology and Lymphology (DGPL). The Ratschow Session gives the honored scientist the opportunity to present his or her own work and dedicates several lectures to related to the topic. Bauerfeind AG has been a patron of this foundation for many years and supports the work of the board of trustees in organizing the award ceremony and covers the costs incurred.
Dr. rer. nat. Peggy Schneider
Awardee 2024
Prof. Christine Moffatt

During the 66th annual conference of the German Society for Phlebology and Lymphology, Prof Christine Moffatt from the Curatorium Angiologiae Internationalis in the UK received the Max Ratschow Memorial Medal. As an internationally recognised expert in wound care, particularly for lymphoedema and chronic wounds, the Briton received this prestigious honour. Christine Moffatt has worked at renowned universities, including Nottingham Trent University and King’s College London. Supported by the International Lymphatic Framework (ILF), she led the LIMPRINT study, a ground-breaking international epidemiological investigation into the prevalence of lymphoedema and related conditions.
Previous Ratschow Medal laureates
List of previous award winners
2023 Dr. Giovanni Mosti
2022 Dr. Marianne De Maeseneer
2021 Dr. Nick Morrison
2020 M SCHADECK Wegbereiter der ultraschallgesteuerten Flüssigsklerosierung der Stammvenen
2019 W BLÄTTLER Ambulanten Versorgung von Thrombose-Patienten
2018 PETER MORTIMER, MD, PHD Lebenswerk insbesondere zur Untersuchung an Gefäßödemen und Lymphödemen
2017 PAOLO PRANDONI, MD, PHD Lebenswerk der Arbeit zu Gefäßkrankheiten
2016 PETER GLOVICZKI, MD Lebenswerk auf dem Gebiet der Gefäßmedizin
2015 PROF DR MED SYLVIA HAAS Lebenswerk insbesondere auf dem Gebiet der Thromboseforschung und Behandlung
2013 DR MICHEL R PERRIN Lebenswerk insbesondere auf dem Gebiet der Gefäßchirurgie
2012 PROF WALDEMAR L OLSZEWSKI Lebenswerk, insbesondere entscheidender Beitrag zum Verständnis des menschlichen Lymphsystems
2011 PROF HA MARTINO NEUMANN Lebenswerk, insbesondere die phlebologische Therapie zu standardisieren und auch in die Praxis umzusetzen
2010 Prof Dr med Wolfgang HACH Lebenswerk, insbesondere die Entwicklung neuer phlebologischer Konzepte und Operationsmethoden
2009 Prof Dr Med J Leonel Villavicencio
2008 U SCHULTZ-EHRENBURG Prospective epidemiological study on the beginning of varicose veins Bochum study I-IV
2007 Sir N BROWSE 50 years of phlebology Advance or standstill?
2006 R V CLUZAN Peripheral lymphoedema treatment
2005 ETELKA FÖLDI Die Brücke vom Experiment zur Klinik: Das Lymphödem
2004 H K BREDDIN Tiefe Beinvenenthrombose: Pathogenese, Diagnostik und Therapie Was ist gesichert? Welche Fragen bleiben offen?
2002 H PARTSCH Die Antistase, ein vernachlässigtes Therapiekonzept bei der tiefen Beinvenenthrombose
2001 T J RYAN The blood supply and lymphatic drainage of the skin
2000 N KLÜKEN Vaskuläre Dys- und Hyperplasien bei Kindern
1999 G W SCHMID-SCHÖNBEIN Mechanismen und Konsequenzen der Zellaktivierung in der Mikrozirkulation
1997 ST KUBIK Die Entwicklung und Bedeutung des Lymphgefäßsystems bei der Verhütung der Ödembildung unter Berücksichtigung der Struktureigenschaften
1996 H JELLINEK Die Wirkung von Magnesiumorotat auf die Herzmuskulatur und die Koronarien bei verschiedenen Tierarten in Modellexperimenten
1992 CHR M PAPENDIECK Zur Behandlung der Hypertension des Venensystems im Kindesalter
1991 E BETZ Experimentelle Studien zur Rolle von Gefäßwandmuskelzellen bei der arteriellen Verschlußkrankheit
1989 W DOERR Grundsätzliches zur Pathogenese der Gefäßkrankheiten
1988 F COCKETT Der Einfluß anatomischer Varietäten auf das Venensystem und seine Behandlung
1987 GERD ASSMANN Diagnostik und Therapie von Fettstoffwechselstörungen
1986 R J A M VAN DONGEN Heutiger Stand und Bedeutung der vaskulären Chirurgie
1985 JEAN FRANCOIS MERLEN Die Akrozyanosen – klinische, pathogenetische und therapeutische Paradoxien
1983 DIETRICH WERNER LÜBBERS Die Sauerstoffversorgung der Warmblüterorgane
1982 EDUARDO C PALMA Das postphlebitische Syndrom – operative Therapie
1981 MICHAEL FÖLDI Insuffizienz des Lymphgefäßsystems
1980 ROBERT W WISSLER Neueste Studien über die Pathogenese und Rückbildung der Atherosklerose
1979 G V R BORN Der Einfluß hämodynamischer Bedingungen auf die Hämostasefunktion der Thrombozyten
1978 R C MAYALL Das Hyperstomie-Syndrom, eine klinische Entität, verursacht durch einen arteriolovenulären Shunt, unter diagnostischen und therapeutischen Aspekten
1977 R TOURNAY, H R VAN DER MOLEN Die Entwicklung der Phlebologie in den letzten 30 Jahren (1948-1978)
1976 W REDISCH Von William Harvey zu Otfried Müller
1975 O OLSSON Angiographie als Grundlagenuntersuchung in der klinischen Medizin
1974 L LASZT Die Biochemie und Pharmakologie der Venenwand
1973 G OTTAVIANI Allgemeine biologische Aussagen über das Lymphsystem
1972 R FONTAINE Die chirurgische Behandlung der arteriosklerotischen Verschlüsse der unteren Extremitäten
1971 E WOLLHEIM Kapillarkreislauf und Blutvolumen
1970 F MARTORELL Ulcus hypertonicum
1969 W H HAUSS Die Rolle der Mesenchymzellen in der Pathogenese der Arteriosklerose
1968 M COMEL Betrachtungen über die Angiologie der Gegenwart und der Zukunft

Who was Max Ratschow?
Prof. Max Ratschow is considered to have established the specialist discipline of angiology, the youngest branch of internal medicine, which is concerned with diseases of the arteries, veins, and lymph vessels. Having studied medicine at Rostock, Freiburg, Vienna, Munich, Berlin, and Breslau between 1924 and 1929, he qualified as a doctor of medicine in 1930 at the University of Breslau, before being awarded his post-doctoral lecturing qualification in 1936 at the Kiel University Institute of Physiology. From 1939 to 1952 Max Ratschow worked at the University Hospital of Halle, where he was a full Professor of Pathological Physiology from 1948. He settled in the former West Germany in 1952 with a view to setting up a research clinic for vascular diseases. From 1953 to his death in 1963, Max Ratschow was Director of the Medizinische Klinik Darmstadt and Professor of Internal Medicine. While in this role, he set up the first research center for angiology (opened in May 1963). This was later named after him, becoming the Max-Ratschow-Klinik für Angiologie am Klinikum Darmstadt.
The rapid development of the new specialist discipline can be attributed to Max Ratschow’s special commitment to the scientific investigation and treatment of vascular diseases and circulation disorders. Angiology was finally recognized as a branch of internal medicine at the German Medical Assembly in Cologne in 1992. Two scientific prizes bearing his name are testament to his work in establishing the discipline. The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Angiologie (German Angiology Society) has been awarding the Max Ratschow Prize for outstanding work in the field of vascular medicine since 1968. The Curatorium Angiologiae Internationalis has been awarding the Ratschow Memorial Medal to scientists for their life’s work in the field of vascular medicine since 1969. The foundation for the Memorial Medal was started up by Ratschow’s pupil, Prof. Norbert Klüken.