In short When providing compression products to lymphedema or lipedema patients, Annemarie Müller of Orthopädie-Schuhtechnik Marco Tasch always keeps an eye on her patients’ feet. After thorough examination, the manager of the Erfurt branch recommends to one in three patients that they should get orthopedic foot orthoses. Her reasons include the following:
- Patients suffering from lipedema or lymphedema often have problems with the locomotor system because the changed posture results in an incorrect heel-to-toe movement and impacts gait.
- Patients may have misalignments of the leg axis and pelvis as well as shortened muscles in the lumbar spine and hips, as well as arch-decreased, splay, skew, high-arched, or flat feet.
- Orthopedic foot orthoses can reduce these problems by positively influencing posture, improving heel-to-toe movement, and evenly distributing weight across the feet.