
Responsible for content and layout

Bauerfeind AG
Triebeser Straße 16
07937 Zeulenroda-Triebes, Germany

Tel.: +49 (0) 36628 66 – 10 00
Fax.: +49 (0) 36628 66 – 19 99


Chief Executive Officer: Rainer Berthan
Member of the Executive Board: Annamaria Katalin Dietrich
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Prof. Rainer Kirchdörfer

Registration court: Amtsgericht Jena
Register number: HRB 206561

Sales tax identification number in accordance with section 27a of the German Sales Tax Act: DE 194889144

Responsible for content under section 18 (2) MStV: Simone Gebler (address as above)

Safety officer for medical products in accordance with section 30 MPG (German Medical Devices Act):

For any questions concerning the application of the German Medical Devices Act by Bauerfeind AG, or for any incidents as defined in section 29 MPG, please contact our safety officer: Ines Exner, e-mail: