In short More than just measuring equipment: participants in the Bodytronic training session at the Bauerfeind Academy in Zeulenroda are learning how Bodytronic measurement systems can also be used during sales talks at medical supply retailers, beyond recording physical dimensions. During this training course, they can combine their specialist expertise related to patient care with technical know-how about Bauerfeind’s measurement systems and with tips for their sales performance into an informative comprehensive package.
Measurement technology
Correctly implementing technical expertise
Bodytronic training at the Bauerfeind Academy
From Bauerfeind Life Magazin on 21.11.2023

The Bodytronic measurement systems record body dimensions quickly, precisely and without the need for physical contact. But they can do more than that. As digital tools that deliver objective repeatable results, they quickly become great selling points during customer consultations. Trainers at the Bauerfeind Academy explain how Bodytronic can be used as a sales aid.
How do I determine which product my customer needs? – Step-by-step advice is given for the different phases of a consultation with a client at a medical supply retailer, options are discussed, and strategies provided. With the support given by trainer Michaela Lückenotto, 15 participants are working out what is important during a sales talk at a medical supply retailer and how they can incorporate Bodytronic measurement systems to support them. For example, the benefits of digital measurement are explained that will highlight the company’s expertise. There is a lively discussion with the trainer, followed by the development of different scenarios in small groups: interactive learning is key at the Bauerfeind Academy in Zeulenroda. “With this format, we want to support day-to-day business, by combining technology and communication,” explains Michaela Lückenotto. Not only does the trainer have about 15 years’ experience with Bauerfeind, but – thanks to her 13 years’ working at a medical supply retailer – she also knows exactly what the participants need.

“With this format, we want to support day-to-day business, by combining technology and communication.”
Michaela Lückenotto, trainer
Bauerfeind trainer Tino Reichardt, who is supervising the training session, elaborates: “Our objective is to convey the added value of our products. We want our customers to become our fans. That happens when they’re convinced and know how to use the advantages of digital, contact-free and reproducible measurements as selling points to promote their retail store.” The experienced trainer adds: “This time, everyone already has experience with our measurement system. That means we can focus on additional functions, such as comparative measurements, and how changes are displayed, or how required adjustment can be demonstrated.

Training sessions as part of the service
Every year, Bauerfeind trains about 800 customers at the academy. This is supplemented with in-house training sessions at the partners’ medical retail stores as well as online options, such as live online training sessions and e-learning modules. Bauerfeind’s measurement systems are a popular topic. Andreas Limbach, Head of Bauerfeind’s Measurement Technology Product Management, explains: “Bodytronic is in huge demand because digital technology is an image factor – not just since the COVID-19 pandemic where it was crucial to be able to take measurements without physical contact. For medical retailers, measurement technology offers high quality when providing medical products, and it simplifies documentation.

Furthermore, Bauerfeind delivers more than just the measurement technology itself: “As a full-service provider, we don’t just sell the technical equipment. We set them up on site, train employees and provide in-depth instruction – we also visit the store again to train new staff in case the team members change or new employees are hired. We want to support our medical retail partners, share and refresh knowledge and introduce new features,” Andreas Limbach explains.
The Bodytronic session in Zeulenroda includes practical training using the measurement systems, such as the Bodytronic 200, a venous pressure measurement device that is suitable for use during special promotional vein days. The participants are practicing every step of the operating process and are given valuable tips for use as well as discussion options, such as how possible findings can be highlighted and a visit to the patient’s physician recommended without explicitly providing a specific diagnosis. Participants are also very excited about the group task using the Bodytronic 610 full-body scanner. Anna Lena Eichelhardt, orthotist at Räder Gesunde Schuhe in Altenkirchen, summarizes: “The system delivers precise data during everyday work and is much quicker than measuring by hand. I did my training in a workshop and have also been working in sales for about six months now. For me, the communication strategies are really helpful, too.”
Felix Schäfer, certified master orthotist, who supports students working at becoming masters at Kompetenzzentrum Orthopädieschuhtechnik in Langen, sees his expectations of the workshop fulfilled for other reasons: “When I demonstrate these devices in our institution, I need to be able to use them, and I have to know technical backgrounds as well, so I can pass all that on. I learned a lot during the demonstration on the first day.” Lucia Sgueglia, who is training to become a medical supply retail salesperson and currently employed in her second year at Sanitätshaus Curt Sittler medical supply retailer in Arnsberg, adds: “We were also given suggestions on how to proceed when the data we gathered differs from the standard and we have to order a custom-made solution for the patient. I think that’s very useful, as are suggestions on how to handle difficult customer situations.”
Sharing expertise and experiences
“During the breaks or when everyone is having dinner together, the participants exchange their experiences: alongside the contents of the training sessions, everybody’s daily work is being discussed. How do you do such and such? Have you been in this particular situation before?” Tino Reichardt explains. He knows: “In addition to expertise, wide-ranging experiences are shared that help everyone – and not just the participants but also their employers during daily operations.” Michaela Lückenotto knows the requirements from her own experience as the co-working wife of a business owner: “We support medical supply retailers in being experts. They interpret measurement results to explain the appropriate product and generate additional turnover as well as over-the-counter sales, such as foot orthoses. We use different methods and try them out in laboratory situations. Feedback from the participants and tips from the trainer round off the whole event. In the next step, what has been learned can be put to the test and reinforced during day-to-day operations at an in-house training session to establish effective routines. Customers need to feel that they are in the best hands, on a professional as well as on a personal level. They will then be willing to invest in their care and the product.”
Training for everyone
The next in-person training session featuring Bodytronic measurement systems at the Bauerfeind Academy in Zeulenroda will take place from June 5 to 6 and from November 6 to 7, 2024.
Registration and information as well as an overview of all training options can be obtained from the Field Sales Contact, by calling +49 (0) 80000-10501, or online at:
In addition to in-person training sessions at the Bauerfeind Academy, in-house training and online sessions are also available.
Images: Andreas Wetzel