Compression stockings·Measurement technology

More time for consultation

Bodytronic 600/610 digital measurement systems: the benefits for medical retailers

From Bauerfeind Life Magazin on 19.02.2019

Story Check The new Bodytronic 610 measurement system was tested by Orthomed GmbH based in Hesse.

  • The 3D body scanner now allows for measurements to be taken for products for the upper body, and for ordering these products.
  • The measurements form the basis for a size recommendation in the Bauerfeind online shop.
  • The Bauerfeind quality partner especially appreciates the measurement accuracy and high speed of Bodytronic 600/610.

Day-to-day business without digital measuring technology? By now this would be unthinkable for the staff of Orthomed GmbH from Hesse. The German Bauerfeind quality partner is among six very experienced medical retailers that are putting the new 3D body scanner Bodytronic 610 through its paces in everyday practice, before it is launched on the market. The system now also enables the user to take measurements for products for the upper body and to order these products from the Bauerfeind online shop.

Christiane Boieck, authorized representative and expert adviser for lymphology at Orthomed.

“These two will definitely stay with us,” emphasizes Christiane Boieck, authorized representative and expert adviser at Orthomed, talking about the two Bodytronic 600 measurement systems. The system has been in use at the company’s branch stores in Frankfurt and Wiesbaden-Bierstadt since 2016. Last fall , the Bauerfeind quality partner was asked to test the new system Bodytronic 610 at its Hofheim-Wallau branch. “Working with Bodytronic 600 or 610 mostly means that we save a lot of time. We can invest this time into our customer consultations – as well as into over-the-counter sales. The systems also allow for precise touch-free measurement. This is very pleasant for customers and staff members alike,” explains Christiane Boieck. Thanks to the digital measurement system, the data collected can be simply stored for documentation, as well as for preparing quotes for the health insurance companies. The measurement data is also easily reproducible. “The great benefit of Bodytronic is that you could say it’s always the same ‘staff member’ who is taking the measurements. Manual measurements can never be automated, meaning they are prone to errors, at least to a certain extent. My colleagues don’t even want to take manual measurements anymore.”So far, Orthomed has been Bauerfeind’s 3D scanners mostly for supplying compression stockings. “The number of made-to-measure products has not increased due to the system, by the way. Thanks to the excellent sizing system of VenoTrain, we are able to fit around 80 percent of our customers with a standard stocking,” the expert adviser points out. What she really likes: “The system takes precise measurements, but I’m still able to make adjustments afterwards. If I happen to know, for example, that the customer would like to wear the pantyhose right on the hip, or if the lower leg stocking always has a constricting effect due to very soft tissue, then I’m able to adjust the measurement process, for example by moving the displayed measuring ring.” It goes without saying that this is only possible with suitably experienced expert staff.

Ideal for custom-made supports

The Bodytronic 610 allows for measurements of the lower as well as the upper body.

„Ganz wunderbar ist auch die Passform der Maßbandagen, die wir bislang mit Bodytronic angemessen haben“, berichtet Christiane Boieck über einen weiteren Einsatzbereich. Bei Bandagenversorgungen, für die nur ein oder zwei Maße benötigt werden, wie etwa für das Sprunggelenk oder Knie, legen die Mitarbeiter erst einmal selbst Hand an. „Da möchten wir nicht , dass der Kunde erst alles ausziehen muss. Stellen wir aber bei der Vermessung fest , dass eine Maßversorgung erforderlich ist , dann kommt stets Bodytronic 600 bzw. 610 zum Einsatz.“
Außerdem werden bei Orthomed mit dem 3D-Scanner Trittschaumabdrücke für die Einlagenversorgung eingescannt. „Das klappt hervorragend. Die Daten übertragen wir dann in die Bauerfeind-Webanwendung Bodytronic ID:CAM und unsere Orthopädietechniker können anschließend die kundenindividuelle Modellierung der Fräseinlagen vornehmen“, so die Prokuristin. „Gerade für unsere Filialen ist es toll , all diese Versorgungsbereiche mit einem System abbilden zu können und nicht verschiedene Geräte zu benötigen.“
Bei den Kunden stößt die moderne Messtechnik auf großes Interesse. „Insbesondere bei den Jüngeren oder bei Sportlern. Für die ist das ein echtes Highlight – und für manche ein Grund, extra zu uns zu kommen. Lediglich bei Kunden, die zu wacklig auf den Beinen sind, ist eine digitale Vermessung schwierig“, berichtet Christiane Boieck.
Die Kompressionsspezialistin freut sich, mit dem neuen System Bodytronic 610 jetzt auch die Armstrümpfe VenoTrain soft und Veno­Train delight anmessen und direkt im Bauerfeind-Onlineshop bestellen zu können. „Darüber hinaus ist es eine Arbeitserleichterung, wenn wir künftig auch bei den Bandagen und Orthesen für die Oberkörperversorgung vom System einen Größenvorschlag bekommen.“

“The fit of custom-made supports that we have taken measurements for with Bodytronic is really amazing as well ,” says Christiane Boieck about the system’s further uses. For supports that only require one or two measurements, such as for the ankle or the knee, the staff members start off with manual measurements. “In these cases we don’t want the customer to have to undress. However, if we find in these measurements that a made-to-measure product is required, we always use the Bodytronic 600 or 610.”
The Orthomed staff also uses the 3D scanner for scanning foam imprints for foot orthoses. “It works really well. The data is transmitted to the Bauerfeind Bodytronic ID:CAM online application, and our orthotists are then able to shape the individual milled orthoses for our customers,” the authorized representative explains. “Especially for our stores, it’s great that we are able to cover all these different treatment areas with a single system and do not need a whole range of different devices.”
The customers are very curious about the modern measurement equipment. “This is true for young people and athletes in particular. They are really excited about the technology, and some customers come to our stores especially because of it. Digital measuring is only tricky with customers who are too unsteady on their legs,” Christiane Boieck reports.
The compression stocking expert is excited that the new Bodytronic 610 system is now also compatible for taking measurements for the arm sleeves VenoTrain soft and VenoTrain delight and enables her to order them directly from the Bauerfeind online shop. “It will also make our work easier when the system is also going to suggest a size for supports and orthoses for the upper body in the future.”

“Especially for our stores, it’s great that we are able to cover different treatment areas with a single system.”
Christiane Boieck

Less space required

The base area of the Bodytronic 610 is 25 percent smaller than that of its predecessor, Bodytronic 600. “This is an advantage for premises with restrictions in terms of space,” says Christiane Boieck. The control unit comprising a screen, keyboard and mouse is now positioned on a rotating arm, and the expert adviser likes this for two reasons: “On the one hand, it allows staff members to adjust the control unit to match their needs. And on the other hand, it’s easier to rotate the screen to face the customer during the consultation, or to rotate it away from the entrance for example, to ensure privacy.”
The pilot phase last fall made Christiane Boieck not only appreciate the benefits of the new Bodytronic 610. The intense tests also made her discover features she was not aware of before: “I’ve meanwhile created templates for frequently supplied compression stockings – such as for the VenoTrain soft , AD stocking, closed toe, in caramel. If I have an order for the soft model that matches the template, I just need to access it from my list of favorites, and the most important details are already there. Any changes, such as the color, can be done quickly. So I save a lot of time when it comes to entering data. Digital measurement technology is a real asset to our company.”

For further information

about Bodytronic 610, please send an e-mail to the measurement technology service team:

Images: Rainer Kraus

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