Knee pain·Supports

A strong performance

Traditional Swiss sport Schwingen

From Bauerfeind Life Magazin on 03.07.2024

Schwingen, the Swiss nation’s very own version of wrestling, makes significant demands on the athletes’ joints: in a fight between two people, one tries to get the other off-balance and drop him on his back. Following an injury, the accomplished Swiss wrestling athlete Pirmin Reichmuth opted for the GenuTrain to support him. What convinced him? “It fits securely and doesn’t slip.”

Dr. Markus Keller during the follow-up visit, checking the treatment progress of Pirmin Reichmuth’s knee injury.

It happened at the end of training in the late evening. Pirmin Reichmuth turned to the left, his foot got stuck in the sawdust, and he noticed it immediately: his left knee had twisted. You could hear a pin drop in the arena. “I first thought this is it, I’m going to quit,” the 28-year-old remembered. After all, he was familiar with the long journey to recovering from his right knee injury. The diagnosis: tear of the anterior cruciate ligament and the lateral meniscus as well as a strained lateral collateral ligament. But giving up wasn’t an option. So, a few days after the arthroscopic surgery, the self-employed physical therapist started with recovery training. For the non-surgical treatment of the lateral collateral ligament, his physician, Dr. med. Markus Keller, swears by supports. Their mechanical stimuli on the skin results in muscle tension which indirectly stabilizes the joint, according to the explanations of the Specialist in Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology of the Locomotor System. “Furthermore, in performance-driven athletes, compression can offer targeted activation for enhanced circulation.” Everything turned out well for Pirmin Reichmuth: he was able to make a successful comeback and set foot in the sawdust ring again – with shoe size 49.5 and stable knees.

Images: picture alliance/KEYSTONE/ANTHONY ANEX, Bauerfeind Schweiz

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